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14.09.2024 9:16:38 85664939646
The Perks of Skydiving* **Communicate with Staff:** Be open and honest with the skydiving staff about any medical conditions or concerns you may have. max weight skydiving * **Parachute:** The parachute itself, including the canopy, harness, and reserve parachute, can weigh anywhere from 20 to 30 pounds.Tandem Jumps: A Wider Weight Range* **Parachute Size:** The parachute`s size plays a critical role in supporting the jumper`s weight, influencing the maximum weight limit for a given parachute model. Tandem skydiving, where a student jumps with a certified instructor, involves specific weight considerations. The instructor needs to be able to safely control the descent, and carrying an overweight student could strain the instructor`s ability to manage the parachute and landing. When a skydiver leaps from an aircraft, they are instantly subject to the relentless force of gravity. This force pulls the skydiver downwards, accelerating them until they reach terminal velocity, the maximum speed they can attain. Terminal velocity is achieved when the force of gravity is balanced by the force of air resistance.