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02.06.2020 13:26:23 85246862918
Qld senator brett mason to retire or to stay?COREY MORAN: Yes, sir, because he has the votes.LEE: There`s a Republican Senator with the vote who is going to be a nice guy, who is also going to be a loyal friend?COREY MORAN: Right, yes. And that`s part of the problem. And that problem is really the Republican Party is the one party for white supremacy, not the progressive one. And it`s one of the reasons why the Democrats have failed. 온카지노바카라 Too few students speak second language abbott saysTHE ACTUAL ACTUAL number of New Zealanders fluent in a second language has fallen for three consecutive years, the New Zealand Education Union (NZEU) says.A third of students aged 11 and 12 could never speak English or German, a study by the NZEU shows.And fewer than one in 12 people in the 15-19 age bracket was fluent in a second language in 2009/10.The study was presented at the third Auckland United Language Conference, which started at the University of Auckland on Thursday.And while most students at school were able to read and write, the NZEU figures have fallen from nine in 2006 to one in three in 2010/11.The NZEU is calling on Education Minister Jonathan Coleman to do more to help learners in developing countries, to raise the proportion of students from that category from 12 per cent to 16 per cent by 2022.The report also suggests that there needs to be "new action" in the area of foreign language instruction, and a shift from a "one size fits all" approach that focused on "general teaching in any language".The report says in some countries (those with high literacy rates), some people already speak as a third language.In other countries, the problem was more limited.Teachers at some schools were failing to use third languages in "effective teaching", the NZEU noted.Mr Coleman said the country was working on the issue and he looked forward to meeting with teachers and academics."If anyone has a problem with some of the data I`ll listen to them and I`ll try and get them to show me more," he said."If they have some more feedback on how the data`s not reflecting what they think, they can give me that."I don`t think it`s a matter of us not doing much to support language learners. I think what we are doing very effectively now is really the right direction."The government released a report in June that said third language training was crucial for people in third world countries.Education Minister Jonathan Coleman said the number of people speaking a foreign language went up steadily since he came to office."We`re not really taking that message that we`re doing anything wrong but that these kids aren`t getting the most out of it," he said.Mr Coleman said he expected the numbers of children learning languages to keep improving in five years."There`s a lot of pressure on us, especially over children, to make sure that they`re supported."The New Zealand education system is now more focused on helping students who live in countries where there are few or n

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