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27.05.2020 11:29:56 86411173375
Wheelchair basketball players. 온라인카지노카지노 Missile attack leaves 18 dead in pakistan – ReutersPakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said a missile attack on an army training camp in Paktia province killed 18 soldiers and injured dozens of others early this morning.Sukhmah reported that the Army said the missile was intercepted at 12:08 AM but witnesses said the missile landed five minutes later. It struck the Pashtun majority city of Waziristan.Ladakh: Paktia soldiers kill 3, injure 9 at village compound near town – The Times of IndiaPaktia army killed 17 militants in Sargodha on Saturday after an attempted attack on their unit in Torkham district, Punjab government said in a statement on Sunday.The army later announced that one of its top officers, Maj Gen Aamin Qureshi, who had been hiding in the city, was among the dead."Paktia Army has killed and injured seven armed militants during operations in the city over the past day. Major Aamin Qureshi, the leader of the group responsible for the incident is a Pakistani National Army officer from Poonch who died during operations in Torkham district on Saturday," it said.Kashmir has remained tense since an explosion last Thursday left 16 people dead and dozens wounded.Sakhalin and Yamalo-Nenets: Missile kills 5 in northern India – AFPIndian state-run television reported Saturday that a surface-to-air missile fired from a mobile missile launch site has hit an army camp in northwest Pakistan. An AFP reporter at the site said the missile hit around five soldiers before it hit a farm several kilometres away.Nuclear testsThe US has launched multiple missile strikes on Pakistan as part of efforts to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons.Last week US Secretary of State John Kerry warned that a nuclear Pakistan was a key step towards US becoming more compliant with international laws, in a reference to the country`s nuclear weapons programme.New Delhi has denied having nuclear weapons and has pointed to its "good relations" with neighbouring Pakistan, claiming it is part of a regional alliance against terror groups fighting each other, and which hosts some of the most advanced nuclear reactors in the world.Rumsfeld`s `lone wolf` strategyUS Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: The Taliban don`t have any kind of army.In his first press conference after the 9/11 attacks Rumsfeld said that the military operation that took place in Afghanistan was conducted by soldiers on the ground who wanted to restore order and bring Afghanistan`s forces back into full battle readiness.Rumsfeld said, "I do think that after the last few days we`ll see a little bi

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